Your Shopify Dream Team Awaits

Experience the value of On-Demand Shopify Teams vs. the cost of expensive Full Time Employees.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Fast Support

Dedicated Slack Channel

Dedicated Team

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Fast Support

Dedicated Slack Channel

Dedicated Team

Shopify Plus Recommended
500+ Five Star Reviews

Gamify Your Cart Drawer

Must Have

Fully Custom Shopify Templates

Site Speed & Performance Gains

ERP Connections & Automations

Email & SMS Flow Automations

ADA Compliance Development

Complete Shopify Tasks Quickly with Bulk Hours

Get immediate access to on-demand Shopify teams of award-winning Shopify designers & developers who are ready to assist with all of your Shopify needs.

From site speed improvements, landing page design & custom Shopify app development, to user & workflow automation and more, the versatility of Bulk Hours lets you distribute your time across multiple services as you see fit.

Weekly Video Standups & a Team Slack Channel

Weekly Video Standups ensure continuous alignment and accountability among team members, directly contributing to the on-track progress of projects.

Dedicated Slack Channels facilitate instant communication and collaboration, keeping everyone informed and engaged, which is crucial for meeting deadlines efficiently.

Perfect Version Control and Workflows

Arctic Grey leverages GitHub for flawless version control, ensuring every code change in your Shopify store is meticulously tracked and managed, preventing conflicts and errors.

By integrating for project management, we streamline workflows and enhance team collaboration, guaranteeing projects are executed efficiently and on time.

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Start with a Shopify UX & UI Audit

This UX & UI Audit Package is designed to target the most essential pages pertaining to overall sales, and enhance overall user experience, to improve conversion rates (CRO), increase average order value (AOV), and grow customer lifetime value (CLV).

The world’s most innovative brands 🤝 work with Arctic Grey


Your Shopify Dream Team

Arctic Grey's Bulk Hours offers a cost-effective, scalable solution, providing on-demand access to a pool of experts in design, development, and digital strategy without the overhead of full-time salaries. This flexible approach ensures your Shopify projects are always supported by specialized talent, tailored to your specific needs and budget.

Shopify Developers

Average Full-Time Salary: $144,433 per year

UX Designers

Average Full-Time Salary: $94,544 per year

Quality Assurance Analysts

Average Full-Time Salary: $124,200 per year

Project Managers

Average Full-Time Salary: $120,800 per year

Solutions Engineers

Average Full-Time Salary: $175,217 per year

Systems Architects

Average Full-Time Salary: $156,594 per year

Graphic Designers

Average Full-Time Salary: $64,544 per year

SEO Specialists

Average Full-Time Salary: $65,562 per year

Data Analysts

Average Full-Time Salary: $76,058 per year

E-commerce Strategists

Average Full-Time Salary: $86,427 per year

Site Speed Optimization Specialists

Average Full-Time Salary: $56,348 per year

Conversion Rate Optimization Specialists

Average Full-Time Salary: $72,571 per year

AOV Optimization Specialists

Average Full-Time Salary: $72,571 per year

Shopify App Developers for Custom Apps

Average Full-Time Salary: $175,217 per year

Mobile Optimization Specialists

Average Full-Time Salary: $156,594 per year

Accessibility Experts

Average Full-Time Salary: $90,889 per year

Internationalization Specialists

Average Full-Time Salary: $104,433 per year

Cybersecurity Experts

Average Full-Time Salary: $112,268 per year

Cost Calculator


Full Time Employees

$0.00per month

On Demand with Bulk Hours

$199.99per month
1:00 Bulk Hour

Shopify Developers

Average Full-Time Salary: $144,433 per year

Role and Importance: Shopify Developers are essential for customizing and building a Shopify store that meets specific business requirements. They handle everything from theme customization and feature development to app integration and custom app development. Their expertise ensures that the store operates smoothly, is scalable, and provides a seamless user experience.


  • Customizing Shopify themes to align with brand aesthetics.
  • Developing custom features to fulfill unique business needs.
  • Integrating third-party applications to extend store functionality.
  • Creating custom Shopify apps to offer unique services or features not available in the Shopify App Store.
  • Ensuring the technical SEO foundation is solid for better search engine visibility.

UX Designers

Average Full-Time Salary: $94,544 per year

Role and Importance: UX Designers focus on creating a compelling and intuitive user experience for the Shopify store. They ensure that the store is not only visually appealing but also easy to navigate, which is crucial for converting visitors into customers. Their work directly impacts customer satisfaction, engagement, and conversion rates.


  • Designing intuitive user interfaces that enhance customer journey.
  • Conducting user research to understand customer needs and behaviors.
  • Creating wireframes and prototypes for new features or redesigns.
  • Collaborating with developers to ensure design feasibility.
  • Performing usability testing to identify and fix UX issues.

Quality Assurance Analysts

Average Full-Time Salary: $124,200 per year

Role and Importance: Quality Assurance (QA) Analysts are responsible for ensuring that the Shopify store is free from bugs, performs well under various conditions, and provides a consistent user experience across all devices and browsers. Their role is critical in maintaining the credibility and reliability of the store.


  • Developing and executing test plans to identify software bugs.
  • Testing site functionality, including shopping cart, checkout process, and payment gateway integration.
  • Ensuring cross-browser and cross-device compatibility.
  • Monitoring site performance and identifying optimization opportunities.
  • Collaborating with developers to address and resolve identified issues.

Project Managers

Average Full-Time Salary: $120,800 per year

Role and Importance: Project Managers oversee the entire project of building and launching the Shopify store. They ensure that the project stays on track, within budget, and meets the set objectives. Their leadership and coordination skills are key to successfully bringing together the various team members and tasks.


  • Defining project scope, objectives, and deliverables.
  • Creating detailed project plans and timelines.
  • Coordinating between team members, stakeholders, and external vendors.
  • Managing project risks and implementing contingency plans.
  • Ensuring timely delivery of project milestones.

Solutions Engineers

Average Full-Time Salary: $175,217 per year

Role and Importance: Solutions Engineers provide the technical expertise needed to integrate Shopify with other systems and solve complex technical challenges. They work closely with the development team and stakeholders to design and implement technical solutions that enhance the store's functionality and efficiency.


  • Analyzing business requirements to propose technical solutions.
  • Integrating Shopify with ERP, CRM, and other third-party systems.
  • Developing custom APIs to connect Shopify with external services.
  • Ensuring scalability and security of the Shopify store.
  • Providing technical support and guidance to the development team.

Systems Architects

Average Full-Time Salary: $156,594 per year

Role and Importance: Systems Architects design the overall technical architecture for the Shopify store. They ensure that the store's infrastructure is robust, scalable, and secure. Their strategic vision for the technical framework supports the store's long-term growth and adaptability.


  • Designing the technical architecture to support business goals.
  • Selecting appropriate technologies and platforms for scalability and performance.
  • Ensuring data integrity and security across all systems.
  • Overseeing the implementation of technical solutions.
  • Monitoring technological advancements to keep the store at the forefront of e-commerce innovation.

Graphic Designers

Average Full-Time Salary: $64,544 per year

Role and Importance: Graphic Designers play a critical role in enhancing the visual appeal of the Shopify store. They create engaging layouts, banners, and graphics that resonate with the brand identity, making the store not only attractive but also reflective of the brand's message. Their work directly influences the first impression and can significantly impact customer engagement and retention.


  • Designing visually appealing website layouts that enhance user experience.
  • Creating banners, product images, and promotional materials that align with brand identity.
  • Working closely with UX designers to ensure a cohesive visual and user experience.
  • Updating visual elements based on seasonal campaigns or branding updates.

SEO Specialists

Average Full-Time Salary: $65,562 per year

Role and Importance: SEO Specialists are essential for enhancing the Shopify store's visibility on search engines. Their expertise in keyword research, on-page optimization, and link-building strategies increases organic traffic, which is crucial for long-term success in a competitive market.


  • Conducting keyword research to target relevant search queries.
  • Optimizing website content and meta tags for search engines.
  • Implementing link-building strategies to improve domain authority.
  • Analyzing and reporting on SEO performance and adjusting strategies accordingly.

Data Analysts

Average Full-Time Salary: $76,058 per year

Role and Importance: Data Analysts provide critical insights into customer behavior, product performance, and overall business strategy by analyzing website traffic and sales data. Their analyses help in making informed decisions that can lead to improved performance and growth.


  • Analyzing sales data to identify trends and opportunities for growth.
  • Monitoring website traffic and user behavior to optimize marketing strategies.
  • Providing reports on key performance indicators (KPIs) to inform business decisions.
  • Collaborating with other teams to implement data-driven strategies for improvement.

E-commerce Strategists

Average Full-Time Salary: $86,427 per year

Role and Importance: E-commerce Strategists oversee the online store's overall strategy, identifying growth opportunities and understanding market trends. Their strategic vision ensures the store remains competitive and poised for long-term success.


  • Developing and implementing comprehensive e-commerce strategies.
  • Analyzing market trends and competitor strategies to identify opportunities.
  • Collaborating with marketing, sales, and product teams to align strategies.
  • Monitoring performance and adjusting strategies to meet business objectives.

Site Speed Optimization Specialists

Average Full-Time Salary: $56,348 per year

Role and Importance: Site Speed Optimization Specialists are crucial for ensuring the Shopify store loads quickly on all devices. Fast loading times improve user experience, boost SEO rankings, and can lead to higher conversion rates.


  • Implementing best practices for site speed optimization.
  • Analyzing performance metrics and identifying bottlenecks.
  • Collaborating with developers to optimize images, scripts, and other resources.
  • Conducting regular site speed audits to maintain optimal performance.

Conversion Rate Optimization Specialists

Average Full-Time Salary: $72,571 per year

Role and Importance: CRO Specialists focus on optimizing the store to convert a higher percentage of visitors into buyers. Through data analysis and user feedback, they enhance website design and functionality, directly impacting the store's profitability.


  • Conducting A/B testing to improve user experience and conversion rates.
  • Analyzing user feedback and behavior to identify obstacles in the conversion funnel.
  • Implementing strategies to enhance the checkout process and reduce cart abandonment.
  • Collaborating with UX designers and developers to implement changes.

AOV Optimization Specialists

Average Full-Time Salary: $72,571 per year

Role and Importance: AOV Optimization Specialists develop strategies to encourage customers to spend more per transaction, directly impacting the store's revenue. By focusing on product bundling, upselling, and cross-selling, they can significantly increase the store's average order value.


  • Designing and implementing product bundling strategies.
  • Developing upsell and cross-sell techniques to encourage higher spending.
  • Analyzing customer purchase data to identify opportunities for AOV improvement.

Collaborating with marketing to promote higher-value products or bundles.


Shopify App Developers for Custom Apps

Average Full-Time Salary: $175,217 per year

Role and Importance: Shopify App Developers are crucial for creating bespoke applications that extend the functionality of the Shopify store. Their custom solutions address unique business needs and enhance the overall customer experience.


  • Developing custom Shopify apps to meet specific business requirements.
  • Ensuring custom apps integrate seamlessly with the Shopify store.
  • Providing ongoing support and updates for custom apps.
  • Collaborating with stakeholders to understand and implement required features.

Mobile Optimization Specialists

Average Full-Time Salary: $156,594 per year

Role and Importance: Mobile Optimization Specialists ensure the Shopify store provides a seamless shopping experience on mobile devices. Their work is essential as mobile commerce continues to grow, impacting user experience and sales.


  • Implementing responsive design principles to ensure the store is mobile-friendly.
  • Optimizing images, fonts, and layouts for mobile devices.
  • Conducting mobile usability testing to identify and resolve issues.
  • Keeping up with mobile commerce trends and technologies for continuous improvement.

Accessibility Experts

Average Full-Time Salary: $90,889 per year

Role and Importance: Accessibility Experts ensure the Shopify store is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Their work improves the store's usability, compliance with legal standards, and overall customer satisfaction.


  • Implementing WCAG guidelines to make the store accessible.
  • Conducting accessibility audits and addressing identified issues.
  • Training the development team on accessibility best practices.
  • Ensuring all new features and updates meet accessibility standards.

Internationalization Specialists

Average Full-Time Salary: $104,433 per year

Role and Importance: Internationalization Specialists adapt the Shopify store for different markets. Their work on language translation, currency conversion, and localization of content and products is vital for global expansion.


  • Implementing multi-language support for the Shopify store.
  • Adapting content and products for different cultural contexts.
  • Ensuring currency conversion and payment methods are suitable for international customers.
  • Collaborating with marketing to develop region-specific strategies.

Cybersecurity Experts

Average Full-Time Salary: $112,268 per year

Role and Importance: Cybersecurity Experts protect the Shopify store from online threats. Their expertise ensures customer data is secure and the store complies with data protection laws, maintaining trust and credibility.


  • Implementing security measures to protect against online threats.
  • Conducting regular security audits and vulnerability assessments.
  • Ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Providing training on security best practices to the store's team.

Build a New
Shopify Store

Try before you buy Shopify design & development. We will create a fully functional custom front page concept design of your new Shopify website, and we won't charge you a single cent.

Teams for all Merchants

Gain on-demand access to Shopify Design & Development professionals, at a fraction of the cost of hiring full-time.

Shopify Developers

UX Designers

QA Analysts

Project Managers

Solutions Engineers

Systems Architects

Graphic Designers

SEO Specialists

Data Analysts

E-commerce Strategists

And More.

The average US Salary for all of these Full Time Employees runs around $180,000.00 per month.

Small Team

50:00 Bulk Hours per month.

Mid Team

100:00 Bulk Hours per month.
Most Popular

Large Team

200:00 Bulk Hours per month.
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🎮 Gamify Your Cart Drawer

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Maximize Recurring Revenue with Cart-Based Subscription Upgrades

Transition your shoppers into loyal subscribers directly from your cart. Incorporating a one-click option to convert single purchases into subscriptions within the shopping cart leverages a critical decision point, enhancing customer engagement and loyalty. Data indicates a significant uptick in subscription models, with an average increase of 25-30% in subscription rates through such integrations. Elevate your revenue streams by tapping into the high intent-to-buy moment, and create lasting customer relationships and securing a predictable revenue flow.

Boost Average Order Value with Tiered Incentives

Enhance your checkout experience by integrating Arctic Grey's Tiered Progress Bar into your cart drawer, motivating customers to increase their purchase size for rewards such as free shipping and complimentary gifts. This straightforward mechanism not only makes shopping more engaging and rewarding but also significantly lifts your average order value (AOV). Leverage this data-backed strategy to cultivate a more dynamic shopping environment, driving both customer satisfaction and revenue growth.

Elevate AOV with Arctic Grey’s Quantity-Based Discounts

Introducing a strategic way to increase your average order value: Arctic Grey’s Buy More, Save More feature, exclusive to Shopify Plus merchants. Encourage higher purchases by offering tiered discounts as customers meet set quantity thresholds. Customize this feature with your brand’s unique flair using our dynamic modules and discount displays. This data-driven approach not only enhances the shopping experience but also incentivizes larger orders, directly impacting your bottom line.

Speed Plus Shopify Optimizations

Faster sites are statistically proven to have better conversion rates, which generally means more sales. Just a 1-Second Faster Load Time Can Increase Conversions by 7%. Get faster speeds for more sales and fewer lost visitors.